1. I was born on Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City South Dakota on September 1st 1964.
2. I used to believe I was a Sioux Indian and that they lived in the field behind our trailer house. I would watch for hours hoping to catch a glimpse of my lost tribe.
3. I also used to hide behind the couch and eat our dog’s kibble.
4. I used to worry my parents because I was so friendly that I would go up to anyone as though I’d known them forever. My Mom was always afraid someone would steal me.
5. One time I had such a high fever that I went in to convulsions. I was rushed to the hospital and submerged in a tub filled with ice water and I remember grasping the doctors thumb and waking up in an oxygen tent. I still get fevers when I get sick.
6. When I was 3 we moved to Eielson AFB near Fairbanks Alaska. We drove the unpaved Alaskan Highway in our Lavender Pontiac Bonneville complete with Clamshell from Sears. I wish I had that car today.
7. That trip holds one of my earliest musical memories. The Highway was endlessly bumpy and I remember getting great pleasure from singing and letting the bumps vibrate through my voice.This drove my family nuts, especially my brother Rollie.
8. I’ve seen the Aurora Borealis. I was too young to appreciate it then but now I realize what an amazing memory this is to have.
9. I had my first crush on a boy in Kindergarten. His name was Norman Remp and we used to kiss in the basement.
10. I had my first crush on a girl in 2nd grade. Her name was Rosalie Gonzalez, she had olive skin and a really cool Stingray bike. We did not kiss in the basement.
11. My 5th grade teacher Mr. Grennen infected me with the performing bug. He showed us how to make drums and shakers out of coffee cans and taught us about rhythm. He would play John Denver songs on the guitar and let us sing and play along.
12. When I was 16 my best friend Tammy got married and I sang “Endless Love” at her wedding. The next week at school I got asked to join my first band as lead singer. We called ourselves ” PamBand” and it was all about Pat Benatar and The Pretenders.
13. That same year I was awarded Athlete of the Year and voted Most Athletic by my senior classmates.
14. I’ve always had a secret desire to have a tail. I think a tail would be very useful (and attractive).
15. I’m blessed and cursed because I’m both a night owl and an early riser.
16. I bite my fingernails and feel embarrassed about it.
17. My favorite thing to eat is a big plate of braised greens.
18. I think it would be really cool to be composted instead of cremated.
19. I have a pet monkey named Chispa (see photo)
20. In 1984 I think I saw Sasquatch on hwy 154 between Los Olivos and Santa Barbara, it looked like a big hairy sheep dog walking upright like a man. It was very shy.